Monday, June 29, 2009

Break for Update

made this a while back; thought it was badass; kept it for a bit but took up too much room; tried to sell; none wanted to buy; result is bye-bye poof;

52+ fire elf pull all drops away from 60+ de;

thanks to our friend kv, lich is now on 24/7 camp;

because 41-50f is my choice of hunting when not lich camp time, i accumulate many enchant scrolls; due to constant request, this is my current inventory zel/dai count; heart of dragon count = zero; i sell all zels/dais; wis;

lastly, sell +5 demon set mail offers;
short demonstration video of me @ antcave; this can be you;
(disclaimer: does not actually give ability of flight; actions in video may be more exaggerated than they allow)



Anonymous said...

lolz nice, so u are saying that could be me if i buy ur demon set? will i still own other mops? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I need some bdais! Special bp-prices?

SamTook said...

What do you use hunting there? Inferno?