Sunday, May 10, 2009

Today's Bosses!

Hello guys!

I'm doing a quick update with today's bosses. All those bosses were killed by my party or me. I/we killed them all in 1 day. I'm kinda proud with the number of bosses killed in 1 day and that's why i'm making this small post

Lets start with the lamest one : Dark ElderLets continu with the 2 lamest one. The bottom TOI boss : Zenith Queen!Take two! It was a double spawn ;)So, most of you know i'm now lvling a royal nowadays and i need a 21f charm so....i'm looking for Seer!And I also got 2 of them today, 2 different spawn time (no double spawn for him)But I didn't stop there, I look for many bosses today. Sadly I couldn't find my favorite boss (Iris) even nif i did 4 trips on 70f. But I found her boyfriend, Lich!Thank you for the i need to get a 81f charm to give a nice gift to a pledgemate...

Lets finish this with a outer TOI boss. A boss that I dont see often because I dont like going there since it cost 14k (I know i'm cheap...). So here is that guy, Spirit

And since tomorrow it's mother's day (well, to be exact it's today), Happy Mother's Day to every mother.

Good luck every1 and have fun killing bosses!

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