Monday, May 25, 2009

The Scavenger Hunt!

Welcome to Vig and Lox's Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt '09!

The following list is of your clues that you will need to read carefully in order to find the correct answers!
*The Rules*

*Send a letter to Smexy with all 10 correct answers on the day or night of May 25th ending at 11:59pm and recieve a prize. 1st prize winner shall recieve something extra special!
*Answers must be 100% correct.
*You will need to travel to the even numbered questions to find a letter on the ground which will be the true answers to the question.
*Have fun!

*The Hints*

1.Which town does Cherrypopper hold a spot in DM top 10 for?
2.Venture to a place where the sanctity of marraige takes place.
3.Which town has an innkeeper with the name Miranda?
4.Travel to a place where so much "Chaos" spawns.
5.Who sells bait?
6.Travel to our pledge house and within viewing distance shall be your letter!
7.In north Aden town there is an armor shop, what is the 4th item on his list?
8.Travel to an island that has a portal to go to a elemental graveyard.
9.When you are on the mid-level OUTSIDE of Ivory Towers, How many guards are there?
*Hint- Do not go inside or down stairs.
10.Venture to an island where magic teachers hide in there houses.

*I wish you all luck and have some fun!


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