Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday's post!

Well, what can I say. Not much happend this week. Tho, it was fun to see old faces again. This event was good for what it was, 1 extra stat for any1. It's ok, i liked it. But the sad thing is that most of the players logging in were only there for a couple min to pop the elixir and throw some bzels on the TS. Bah...lets change subject..

So, we still managed to get a few bosses this week (at least when I was able to get there). We went down to the Elemental Grave (i love that place). It was very crowdy that evening. At least 4-5 parties were hunting -.- WhosYoSister was one of those "party" and he found Abyss Master, so our party went to help him take the big Guy down.And I dont remember if we got that in the same trip, but i think so.As I was standing in our house watching TV, SSaMuRaEE called me for this other big Guy.So, since every1 wasn't playing their main character because of the event, i was only able to kill a few bosses (damn event! :p). Lets start with a picture of a Drake, one of the gazillions i killed.And there is also his little friend. Best drop of the week from him for me >_< I want those damn Sandals...c'mon!I also found out a new hunting ground this week, i needed to push the exp a little...u will know why later. So I found out that 28f is really good exp for me ^_^. Oh, and any1 need one of those, i got like way too many...Oh, I forgot about that DV boss, one of the best boss when it comes to drop ratio^^For the next SS i must appologize cuz that Birdy was so big that i couldn't party every1 hitting him >_<. But the best drop is still there...bzel!So...that's pretty much all for this post, I would just like to share with you some of my week's bad luck :(I still got a +2 doublets of whatever it is, the one that took 20 token to make.

Oh geeze, I almost forgot to post this SS. This is the best SS of the week for me ;). As I said earlier, I had to work on exp a little cuz....well....I needed some! Look in the SS to find out why!
Have a nice week guys!

p.s. I love my dire bears!


Firebug said...

Grats on level 60 CP!!! I am 6 levels behind you now...please slow down!

SunnyD said...

w00t! Grats CP!!!